WP10 - Crew preparation and training


As part of this work package, you will have to design a preparation and training programme for the crews of a vehicle dedicated to commercial suborbital flights (targets 1 and 2) or space flights (target 3). The main objective is to ensure that the crews are ready to accompany passengers with diverse profiles in terms of travel objectives and skills. It is imperative that crews provide a quality service, guaranteeing both the comfort and safety of passengers throughout the flight.

After choosing the vehicle (either vehicle 1 for local suborbital flights, vehicle 2 for high-speed long-range suborbital transportation or vehicle 3 servicing LEO)on which the preparation and training programme will be applied:

Your work should not be a copy of what ESA, NASA or other organisations are proposing, but you can take inspiration from them.


Caracteristiques_vehiculeGeneral characteristics for the reference vehicles:
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