WP3 - Legal framework



The first step of the study consists in choosing the vehicle you will work on: 1- suborbital vehicle for high-speed long-range transportation or 2- vehicle servicing Low Earth Orbit.

You will then address one of the following topics:

  1. Propose an outline for a legal or regulatory framework at European level for commercial operations of suborbital vehicles (type 1 vehicle). You can freely choose what consideration to include, for example licensing conditions, liability cases for damage caused, passenger rights and cross-waivers of liability, crew codes of conduct, environmental aspects, space traffic management, the distinction between air space and outer space, security aspects, export control matters, 
  2. Or

  3. During a commercial subobital flight in a high-speed long-range suborbital transport vehicle (type 1 vehicle), there is a risk of issues arising between passengers or between passengers and crew. Make a proposal for rules governing on-board disputes factoring on juridiction and nationality rules that might apply to the dispute in a European context,
  4. Or

  5. Make a proposal including either the incentives or the limitations of national space laws and regulations related to the return to Earth for type 2 vehicle, with a focus on sustainability aspects of the use of outer space, including the issue of space debris mitigation.

For all topics, please take into consideration the several levels of legal, economic and institutional realities and actors in Europe, as well as the different levels of laws and regulations on the national and supranational level, as outlined also in this overview (PDF).


Caracteristiques_vehiculeGeneral characteristics for the reference vehicles:
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