Results 2021 - 2002
Results for the sixteenth exercise
Among the 27 registered teams for the sixteenth exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge, 14 teams returned their report. Evaluation by the Steering Committee of the Challenge, composed of partners and experts leads to the following prize list:
- ICSpace (Imperial College London - London, United Kingdom) received ESA Grand Prix for its study related to a suborbital vehicle in biplane Busemann configuration,
- FAST (Politecnico di Milano - Milan, Italy) was awarded by the ArianeGroup Prize for its work to design an engine suited to a high-speed long-range suborbital transport vehicle,
- Space Doctors (Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy - Varnia, Bulgaria) received Dassault Aviation Prize for its study of a small medical robot,
- CommunicaTOrs from Outer Space (Politecnico di Torino - Turin, Italy) was awarded by the Communication Prize, sponsored by ACE, for the emphasizing of work related to promotion and communication of suborbital flights.
In addition, during the Suborbital Day, SALTO (Politecnico di Torino - Turin, Italy) received the Suborbital Day’s Special Prize, sponsored by Air and Space Museum, for the best presentation related to its work on aircraft structure for radiation protection.