Study and predefinition of a space tourism solution
(WP1 - Concept and Predefinition of MSV)
Amaury AWES-CHEYNIS - Alexis DUHEM - Alix LEROY - Florentin MANNEVYTASSY -
Alexandre MILLOT
ESTIA – Bidart
For our second participation to the Student
Aerospace Challenge, we wanted to focus
on the environment of the Manned Spatial
Vehicle i.e. the MSV itself, the carrier
aircraft and how the MSV interacts with the
different players. We have established a
detailed specification sheet, a CAD model
as well as all the fluidic and structural
calculations required to establish the
trajectory of the MSV.
We have determined the required
modification to an existing airframe in order
to obtain a suitable solution in correlation
with the specifications.
And finally we have conducted a study on
composite materials that have suitable
properties for the heat shield of the MSV
while reentering the earth atmosphere. We
have explored a solution for the reentry
allowing us to be in ideal flight conditions
both in a supersonic state while climbing
and in the subsonic state when gliding back
to the ground and that also guaranties the
safety of the persons on board. This
solution inspired from the X38 allows to
perfectly control the trajectory thanks to a
parafoil type parachute measuring 1200 m
Our solution uses an Airbus A340-500 as
carrier aircraft in order to bring the MSV to
an altitude of 11 km from which it will use a
LOX/RP1 (Liquid oxygen/kerosene) engine
in order to cross the boundary of space i.e.
100 km after a 50 seconds burn.
Finally the MSV will glide down and land
using parachutes. This flight will be about
an hour long including the time required for
the carrier aircraft to climb to the separation