WP2 - Promotion / Communication
The first step of the study consists in choosing the vehicle you will work on: 1- Vehicle for high-speed long-range suborbital transportation or 2- Orbital vehicle servicing Low Earth Orbit.
Once the vehicle is chosen, you will address one of the following topics:
- Promote the vehicle and its purpose during all its phases of development and operations:
- To attract investors before the start of commercial operations,
- To create product awareness, particularly in the digital realm,
- To develop a strategy towards competitors,
Propose a crisis communication plan to be ready for delivering unpleasant news, during commercial exploitation of the vehicle. This plan will be executed in case of a downgraded flight or destruction of the vehicle (with or without casualties) and should be aimed towards different stakeholders (such as the operator, users, policy makers). The communication plan should explain and adjust messaging to reduce societal, industrial and economic implications in an acceptable ethical framework. As much as possible, please refer to actual cases,
Propose a communication plan on "Sustainable environment and suborbital (or orbital) flight" for social acceptance of the spaceflight market. A focus study should be on actions to secure broad ownership of residents living close to spaceports.
General characteristics for the reference vehicles:
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