Results for 2012 - 2013
2012 - 2013 results
Seventh exercise results 17 teams, gathering 87 students, competed for the seventh exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge. The reports, returned on May 17th, 2013, were evaluated on May 29th, 2013 by the Steering Committee of the Challenge, composed of partners and experts. The prizes rewarded the following teams:
- Astreos (ISAE SupAéro – Toulouse) received Dassault Aviation Prize for its definition of MSV;
- Isaerospace (ISAE ENSICA - Toulouse) received EADS Prize for its study on possible applications;
- X (Ecole Polytechnique - Palaiseau) received SAFRAN Prize for its study concerning modifications of existing turbojet engines;
- IMA (IMA - Bordeaux) received THALES Prize for its work on avionics.
Azim’UTBM (UTBM - Belfort-Monbéliard) received the Partner’s Special Prize for the best presentation during the annual seminar for its work on definition of a MSV carrier aircraft.
Art & Space (ENSAM Paris Tech - Paris, Bordeaux and Aix-en-Provence) received the ESA Grand Prix for its outstanding work on spaceport. These students will present their work during the next IAF Congress which will be held in Beijing (China) next September.
The ceremony of the handing over of the prizes was held on June 4th, 2013 at Le Bourget Air and Space Museum in the frame of the sixth “Suborbital Day”. This seminar enabled the teams to present their work to the other students, the partners and the schools’ representatives.
On June 21st, 2013, a special awards ceremony for the winning teams was organized by ESA during the 50th Paris Air Show. This event concluded the seventh exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge.