
L'incontournable projet étudiant

In partnership with great European participants in aeronautical and space sectors:

ACE3_arianegroup4_da_logotype_gris4_esa_logo_solid_dark_blueMusée de l'Air et de l'Espace 

Working instructions

Work package sheet

Your team shall communicate before November 17th 2024 a Work package sheet according to the defined template and limited to two pages, using 12 points Arial font and single line spacing, in a PDF file which does not exceed 1 Mo. It shall be named with the indications of Work Package number and the name of our team as follows: FLT_WPn_Team.


First progress report

Your team shall communicate before December 18th 2024 a first progress report according to the defined template and limited to four pages,using 12 points Arial font and single line spacing (PDF file which does not exceed 1 Mo and named with the indications of Work Package number and the name of our team as follows: First_Report_WPn_Team). It will present:

  • a brief description related to work progress,
  • important facts,
  • potential difficulties.

These documents will allow Experts from partner companies to check if your work matches the subject. Each team will receive an assessment before January 20th 2025.

Second progress report

You shall send a second progress report according to the defined template and limited to four pages, using 12 points Arial font and single line spacing (PDF file which does not exceed 1 Mo and named with the indications of Work Package number and the name of our team as follows: Second_Report_WPn_Team) before February 28th 2025. It will present, at least, the detailed table of content of the final report and the answers to the issues indicated by Experts.

Each team will receive an assessment from the Experts before March 17th 2025.



A webinar will be offered to the teams on 27 March 2025 to introduce the Aerospace Challengel Day, remind them of its importance, detail the practical arrangements and, if necessary, the expected final deliverables.



You shall send a ten-line summary, using 12 points Arial font and single line spacing, about the work you performed (PDF file which does not exceed 1 Mo) before April 4th 2025.

Deliverable items

1 – Final report

A report explaining your work shall be delivered in English:

  • It shall be sent to the Organisation Committee by email before May 4th 2024,
  • It must be a PDF file which does not exceed 5 Mo. It is limited to 50 pages, and shall be named with the indications of Work Package number and the name of our team as follows: 1_Final Report_WPn_Team

2 – Poster

In order to summarize your work, you will write a poster, in English, according to the defined template.

  • It must be sent to the Organisation Committee by email before May 4th 2024,
  • It must be a PDF file which does not exceed 2Mo. It shall be named with the indications of Work Package number and the name of our team as follows: 2_Poster_WPn_Team

An exhibition of all posters will take place during the next Suborbital Day on June 5th 2025 at Air and Space Museum at Le Bourget. The best one will be rewarded.

3 – Work summary

We ask each team to send a summary in local language (recto) and in English (verso) (for Universities from United Kingdom, summary in French (recto) and English (verso)), according to the defined template.

  • The digital file (Word document, 2 Mo maxi and named with the indications of Work Package number and the name of our team as follows: 3_Booklet_WPn_Team) and a school logo must be sent on May 4th 2024 at the latest.

illustrations can be added in the columns (recommended); recto and verso could contain different pictures. Those summaries will constitute the collection of the students’ work for the nineteenth edition of the Challenge. This document will be given to the participants during the Aerospace Challenge day and will be uploaded on the Student Aerospace Challenge’s website (see "2023-2024 booklet"). It will allow the current and future teams to know the approached topics and the proposed innovations. This collection will also be used as a mean to promote the Student Aerospace Challenge.


Presentation for the Aerospace Challenge Day

The Aerospace Challenge Day is similar to a congress; each team has a 8 minute-slot (time for questions not included) to present its work. Attendance of at least one team member is mandatory.

The presentation slides will be in English and the Students would have to talk in English. Be careful not to penalize you in time and understanding. The best presentation will be rewarded.

  • You must send your presentation to the Jury by email before May 30th 2025,
  • It must be a PowerPoint file which does not exceed 7 Mo (We are unable to install specific software on the computer used during the Suborbital Day).


Identification of deliverables

All documents you will send (Work package sheet, Progress reports, Summary, final report and poster) shall display:

  • Work Package number,
  • Name of Team and students,
  • Title of your study,
  • Student Aerospace Challenge 2024/2025.


Digital file’s rules

Not complying with instructions related to max weight and format of the files will lead to a decreased mark.

Updates after the limit date stated above won’t be taken into account.


Digital addresses

All documents shall be sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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