Results for 2010 - 2011

"Fifth exercise results"
11 teams, gathering 61 students, competed for the fifth exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge. The reports were returned on May 13th, 2011 and were evaluated on May 27th, 2011 by the Steering Committee of the Challenge, composed of partners and academic representatives. The prizes rewarded the following teams:
- IDEST (Paris XI - Sceaux) received ACE/ESA Prize from Jean-Pierre Haigneré, former astronaut, founder and Honorary President of the Astronaute Club Européen, for a work on the legal aspects of the orbital flights.
- Sysiphe (IPSA - Ivry-sur-Seine) received GIFAS Prize from Pascal Bultel (CNES), for the dimensioning of a hybrid engine.
- CentraleAéro T&M (Ecole Centrale de Paris - Chatenay-Malabry) received IAF Prize from Thomas Hétier (IAF) for its business plan.
- IcareSpace (HEC & ISAE SupAéro – Paris and Toulouse) received Dassault Aviation Prize from Michel Rigault, former specialist in aerospace vehicles at Dassault Aviation, for its space tourism company project.
- Ensmaérospatiale (ENSMA - Poitiers) received EADS Prize from Carlos Estrella (EADS) for its studies on the MSV primary propulsion system.
- Centrale (Ecole Centrale de Paris - Chatenay-Malabry) received SAFRAN Prize from Caroline Diebolt, Corporate Campus Manager at Head HR Development of Safran Group, for its experimental and theoretical study of a plug nozzle with relay of hybrid engines.
- N6K (ISAE ENSICA - Toulouse) received THALES Prize from Claire Semerie, responsible for Schools and Universities – France - relationships at Thalès, for modelization and optimization of the MSV trajectory.
Lastly, this year, Partners’ Special Prize rewarded the Centrale team for the ECP, already distinguished by SAFRAN Prize, as the first team in the history of the Challenge to carry out experimentation.
The ceremony of the handing over of the prizes was held on June 7th, 2011 with the Air and Space Museum at Le Bourget in the frame of the fourth “Suborbital Day”. This seminar made it possible to the teams to present their work at the other students, the partners and the schools’ representatives.
On June 23rd, 2011, a special awards ceremony for the winning teams was organized by ESA during the 49th Paris Air Show. This event concluded the fifth exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge.