Results for 2008 - 2009
"Third exercise results"
The 2008-2009 exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge will have seen an increase of the audience with 18 teams (only 16 teams in 2007-2008 second exercice) representing 95 students from 11 high schools. 8 work packages have been proposed to the students against 7 in the last Challenge.
The student's reports were returned on May 15th, 2009. They were evaluated on June 2nd, 2009 by the Steering Committee of the Challenge composed of partners (ACE, Dassault Aviation, EADS, Gifas, IAF, Safran and Thales) and academic representatives.
The quality of the works was again greeted by the Steering Committee and it chose to award prizes to the following teams:
- ISAE ENSICA received the ACE Prize from Jean-Pierre Haigneré, former European astronaut and Astronaut Club Européen President. The ISAE ENSICA team studied the portholes for the MSV.
- Supelec received the DASSAULT AVIATION Prize from Laurent Gathier, director of General Studies and Space Activities of Dassault Aviation. The Supelec Aerospace Team studied the attitude control system of the MSV.
- ENAC received the EADS Prize from Barbara Cochard, responsible of recruiting and RH marketing of EADS. Enac Challenges Aérospatiaux team studied the maintenance of the suborbital vehicle.
- IMA (Bordeaux University) received the GIFAS Prize from Claude Bresson, Responsible of social affairs and training of Gifas. The IMAéro team worked on the maintenance aspects for the MSV.
- IDEST (Paris XI University) received the IAF Prize from Thomas Hétier of the IAF. IDEST team studied the legal aspects of the suborbital manned flights.
- ECP received the SAFRAN Prize from Caroline Diebolt, corporate campus manager. The Ecole Centrale de Paris team studied the primary propulsion system of the MSV.
- ISAE ENSICA received the THALES Prize from Claire Semerie, responsible of relations with universities and high schools. ISAE ENSICA team studied avionic of the MSV.
- ENSAM received the ESA Prize from Fernando Doblas, Esa head of communication and knowledge Dept. The SYVAT-1 team studied the attitude control system of the MSV.
The ceremony of prize-giving was held on June 5th, 2009 in the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace at Le Bourget during the the second "Suborbital Day". This seminar allowed the teams to present their works to the other students, the partners and the academic representatives.
On June 19th, 2009 a special awards ceremony for the winners has been organized by Esa during the last Bourget airshow. This event completed the third exercice of the Student Aerospace Challenge.