Results 2020 - 2021

Results 2020 - 2021
Results for the fifteenth exercise
Among the 20 registered teams for the fifteenth exercise of the Student Aerospace Challenge, 14 teams returned their report. Evaluation by the Steering Committee of the Challenge, composed of partners and experts leads to the following prize list:
- TO-orbit (Politecnico di Torino - Turin, Italy) received ESA Grand Prix for its study related to preliminary design of the Attitude Control System,
- STEINER (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos - Madrid, Spain) was awarded by the ArianeGroup Prize for its work on Mission profile and concept for a high-speed long-range suborbital transport vehicle,
- SALTO (Politecnico di Torino - Turin, Italy) received Dassault Aviation Prize for its analysis of a lightweight suborbital spaceplane,
- LifTOff Team (Politecnico di Torino - Turin, Italy) was awarded by the Communication Prize, sponsored by ACE, for the emphasizing of feasible solutions to extend the possibility to fly to as many passengers as possible.
In addition, during the Suborbital Day, Innspace team (Rzeszow University of Technology - Rzeszow, Poland) received the Suborbital Day’s Special Prize, sponsored by Air and Space Museum, for the best presentation related to its work on optimization of suborbital aircraft model structure for radiation protection.